Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's really true. You are Truth.

The only person I can talk to is God. And my one friend. But she's sleeping right now. So at the moment the only person I can talk to is God. I've disconnected myself from worldly things... and all that's left is... You.

Funny how when I honestly search the world for truth, I end up at Your door. If only others would honestly seek. Not honestly seek You, but just honestly seek the truth. They'd eventually end up where You are, things would click, and arrogance and pride... even confusion would shatter.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I want to know Your ways that I might know You

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In all honesty...

It's been hard lately. I can't focus on what's most important. I thought reading Jeremiah would encourage me to trust and follow God more confidently, but... yeah, not working. I'm just so short-sighted! I can't understand that life will end and that eternity will take place. I'm living in this world and all around me people are living to glorify themselves, seeking to fulfill their desires, their wants. And what sucks even more is that it really looks like they're happy and satisfied! Like they have no worries at all! But of course I know that's wrong... who in this world is really, deeply happy?

I'm struggling right now. I want to settle for nothing less than God Himself... but my mind won't let me. My mind keeps telling me I don't have to. It keeps telling me that I can have both! But I know I can't. And I know only the eternal and divine will truly satisfy. And I know, I know, I know.... but my heart doesn't understand.

I realized in today's QT that it is really only by God's grace I know Him. So many people are blind, but He's allowed me to taste and see. To taste Heaven and realize there's more... to be able to DESIRE more! We only crave what we've tasted... He gave me a taste of Heaven, and I want more. Nothing of this world will satisfy.

God I want more of You. I need more of You. I can't take it any more. I can't take this world anymore. It's poisoning me.....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Your Presence

I just want more of You.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Daughter of God

The desire itself is testimony that there is more, and the fact that we possess this desire to seek God should encourage us to pursue those encounters. It is nearly impossible to hunger for something that does not exist. I crave sweets only because sweet things exist. In the same way my heart cries out for God because I was created to find complete fulfillment in Him alone. And the more I come to know Him, the more I become sure that He will be faithful to satisfy the desire He put in me.

I'm now starting to understand what it means to be a child of God. God is King, I am his daughter... I'm a princess^^. I'm royalty. We're royalty. And being royalty means we cannot settle for less. Sex, money, drugs, power, position, material things cannot satisfy us because we were made for the DIVINE. Only the Divine can satisfy us. Only God can satisfy us. He knows everything about us and more importantly, He UNDERSTANDS. He created us.

It's so simple, but the ruler of this world, the devil, makes it complicated. He blinds us from seeing whats rightfully ours (through Jesus's death and resurrection) and leads us to settle for less.

God made us. He knows us. We belong to God. Nothing can satisfy but being in touch with Him, our creator, because He holds our hope, our purpose... and knowing Him more, experiencing Him more is the only way. There's more to life than the hopeless/purposeless routine of work or school. There's more depth because we are deeper. We are more than fleshly beings--we are spiritual beings. STOP SETTLING FOR LESS!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God, I want to let go of everything...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Can I....

ignore everything?

Here comes another battle on the inside--spirit vs. flesh. God, may Your will be done with me. Break me down, empty me, then mold & transform me.